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Erika's Testimonial


Coming to China to work as an English teacher has always been a dream of mine, and I am very thankful and lucky to have found JESIE as my first employer. The transition to life abroad has been very smooth; anytime I had a question or needed help with something, both my school and JESIEs administration has answered the call within hours. I have also felt very supported professionally, from doing peer observations and feedback with other teachers to the professional development found in our workshops.


Though I have not worked in China before, I have many friends who have and I can say that my experience with JESIE doesnt even compare to their companies. JESIE trusts its teachers and gives them a very large amount of freedom compared to working at a training school, plus all of the benefits of a public school schedule including long holiday breaks. I have been able to teach my students creatively and effectively, basing it off of the provided curriculum but innovating to make each lesson fun and enjoyable. All in all, I would recommend JESIE to anyone looking to come teach in China.