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Daniel's Testimonial


i) Why did you choose JESIE?

I chose JESIE because I remembered why I came to China, which was to explore. Working the last two years in private training schools didn't allow any of that. Long hours and short holidays prevented me from getting know China outside of the school.
ii) What do you think about JESIE?

JESIE has enhanced my life in many ways. They are supportive and progress orientated.

iii) Do you enjoy your life as an employee of JESIE in China?

Most certainly, free weekends was my biggest draw. I enjoy being free , and JESIE gives me freedom to teach what I want to teach and encourages us to use our individual teaching styles. 

iv) How is JESIE different from your previous employers?

The salary might be lower, but the hours are minimal which makes it more than worth it. Working in public schools in different parts of the city means transport to the school takes up time, but that can't be avoided and I'd rather live in the best part of the city than live in thge countryside near my school. My previous employers only focused on sales and recruiting new students, money money money, but here at JESIE they try their best to turn us into the best teachers we could possibly be. The only thing that really bugs me is having to tie up my hair, that really kills my confidence, my previous employers actually preferred us to wear what we felt most comfortable as it gave students exposure to western reality and set a comfortable environment for both teachers and students. That said, I would rather teach in a mini-skirt at JESIE than work for another training school.