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Set-up Costs and Basic Cost of Living in Wuxi



      Lara Tozzi

Two major concerns of individuals making the move to China are the uncertainty surrounding set-up costs, and what the general cost of living will be. The initial month after arrival, awaiting ones first, precious salary can seem dauntingly long, and knowing more or less what one will be able to save a month is important.


1.      Set-up Costs

The wonderful thing about being stationed in Wuxi, as opposed to a larger city, is that it is significantly cheaper and one is able to put away more money each month. One is also provided with a furnished apartment, so buying large items like a stove, fridge, washing machine, couches and beds are not going to burden you.

However, it is important to note that all other appliances, kitchenware, linen and other home comforts will be yours to purchase. So, be prepared to spend quite a bit of money on arrival!


On your first day in Wuxi, your liaison and school representatives will take you to a shopping centre and assist you in purchasing the bare essentials. My advice to you is as follows: Only purchase things without which you cannot live for a few days!


While the Powerlong shopping centre is close to the apartment complex, it is certainly not the cheapest outlet, so wait until you are able to travel slightly further out to buy everything that you need.


There are two supermarkets within walking distance from the complex C Carrefour and Bravo. They are great for meeting everyday needs, but do not offer the cheapest prices. My advice is that you spend your money either at Auchan (about a fifteen minute ride on either the 35 or 41 bus), the Renhe Wuxi International Merchants City (a collection of warehouses that sell absolutely everything, about a 20 minute ride on the 107 bus), or ask a colleague to help you place orders on Taobao.


Duvet - 199 (out of season)/ 298 (in season)

Pillows - 99 each

Warm fleece blankets - 99 (200cmx240cm)/ 79 (150cmx200cm)


Plates and bowls - 166 (set of 28 pieces)

Pot - 109

Wok - 99

Additional (yet vital) luxuries:

Space heater - 79

Hairdryer - 99

Clothes dryer (essential for winter) - 150

Wi-fi router - 187 (including installation)

Mobile phone - 899 (including sim card and 1GB 4G data)

Oven - 268 (30litre)

Bedside lamp - 69

Vacuum cleaner - 129

Ironing board and iron - 120 (board)/99 (iron)

2.      General Cost of Living

Below is a brief table of a comparison between the cost of living in Wuxi and Shanghai:


As you can see, there is a vast difference between the costs of living in the two cities.


Essentially, the amount of money you choose to spend in a month, and the amount you are determined to put away will be dictated by how you live.