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My school and I


       Georgina Teboul

I have been teaching at Fangqian Primary School for nearly 9 months now and have loved every minute. Arriving in Wuxi on Friday 18th March, I was taken straight to the school I would be teaching at for the next year and a half. Feeling very disorientated and knowing little of the language, I was briefed on my teaching expectations and hours by Tina, in a meeting room with the Principal, the Deputy Principal and two English teachers.  

The first couple of lunches were a little lonely; I would find myself sitting alone in an empty canteen at the end of lunchtime. It wasn't long till I got invited to have lunch with a few English teachers. Every lunch from then on there was a bowl of rice and chopsticks waiting for me. I've made more friends since then.

The teaching was a big adjustment, having never taught English before other than helping friends with their English. But I think I was pretty lucky with my students. They are a delight to teach! To begin with they were very nervous speaking in English. However, in less than two weeks that had all changed! Whenever we play games they all have their hands up itching to take part.  


We've been on two school trips since I started, first to ÷԰ (Mei Blossom Garden) and (Three Kingdoms). Here are some pictures.