大家早上好,我是USA3 班的班长,陈志豪。首先很荣幸能在大家的毕业典礼上发言。
在过去的将近一年的时间里,我们从语言班到课程班,从未成年到成年,从国内即将走出国外。预科,让我们走到一起,让我们经历风雨。班级里同学的人数从一开始的23变成了如今的14 。人数的减少却磨灭不了他们在我们心里留下的深刻印象。我们有搞怪的Martin和各位中教之间的互相调侃,有Danny的无限卖萌甩头傲娇,有Machine Patrick,有英俊潇洒风流倜傥的吴老板,有慢动作Sam,愤青Taylor,Ray大哥,黄道徐海攻,学霸Daniel,Mike大宝贝,班级宠物NIC,Mr. Chicken 吴涛涛 SAS,Smart Eve,庐山绝恋啊Tim,特别豁达的Jessica,Bolivia 的kiyoumi,当然还有Lydia 和新加入我们的Twins,怒举200个哑铃的Adrian,拍照永远嘟嘴的Jack和Japanese Solider John。这是我们的同学们,我们一起经历了一年,一起生活了一年,一起哭,一起笑,一起犯二一起闹。
Josh, you are our home room teacher. 我们亲切地叫你“大猴纸”。You have a blander that we all know. Wish you all the best with your blander in the future. Thank you for your help in the last year. We enjoyed a lot in your class, especially the music policy.
Jeff, our math teacher, even you are not here, we still want to say "thank you". You are clever, hard working. You taught students how to play guitar, you gave extra help for those students with difficulties in math.
Azam, 一口顺滑,阿萨姆奶茶. You are the best 高富帅 in 巴基斯坦. We are all familiar with your pet phrase: "shut up" "You idiot~?" "you stupid" It''s not offensive to us and we all think your accent is really funny.
James 好狗, you were our ICT teacher for Level one and Level two. We all like you.(Pick some one)
Mike, our level 3 ICT teacher, even sometimes you are a little 坑, we still value you a good teacher because that I can see, you are always willing to help us with our English and we all appreciate it. We apologize for the bad attitude at the end of level. We hope that you can forgive us.
Chelsea, you are the most enthusiastic teacher that we''ve ever met! We learned from your Study Skills lessons. We all really love you, especially Jessica! (Jessica)
Courtney, our Business teacher, you are really easy going, we get a lot of help from you. Sometimes, some bad students may make you very angry or disappointed, but you still can forgive them.
USA 3, we love you. JCIE, we love you. 大家去了美国之后要加油!