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金秋十月,苏教国际邀请伦敦政治经济学院经济学系教授瑞威帕尼达(Revi Panidha)举行了一场别开生面的学生见面会。虽然见面会是在工作日举行,但还是有很多学生和家长准时来到会场,与名校教授面对面的进行了升学咨询与交流。教授就学生和家长们关心的热点问题,如英美教育的差异、如何申请英国顶级名校、如何选择专业、怎样准备自己的个人陈述等做了系统、专业的讲解。

众所周知,在英国顶尖院校的申请中,个人陈述(Personal Statement)有着非常重要的作用。很多情况下,个人陈述的质量直接影响了学生的录取结果,虽然有很多模板教大家怎样写,但是套用模板的写作很容易被火眼金睛的招生官看穿。实际上,在一份个人陈述中,招生官最为看重的还是内容。那么我们要怎样充实一份个人陈述的内容呢,下面我们就将教授强调的个人陈述写作要领整理给大家。




“My perception of economics has been greatly influenced by my upbringing in Austria – a country with a high-tax social democratic system which nonetheless also produced economists such as Friedrich Hayek and Ludwig von Mises. Living between these two oppositions has brought into sharp focus the many differing theories about what I believe to be the main aim of economics: how to harness the economy for the greatest good of society.”

“What is the right thing to do? This is a question I have often asked myself in relation to my own life but its relevance in the closely interlinked worlds of Philosophy and Economics is what truly fascinates me and has driven me to apply for this course.”

“While A Level Law emphasized upon the vital role of regulations in buffering recurrent class conflicts, Sociology taught me the influence of these persistent conflicts in the formation of new laws, and then Economics elaborated upon the resulting licit and communal implications of economic practices in the same society.”






“I agree with Tomáš Sedláček that moral questions constitute its core. Indeed, the financial crisis of 2008, continues to cause heated debates over what constituted ‘the right thing to do’. In most parts of the world, the crisis was dealt with by state intervention, a solution which would have been championed by J.M. Keynes. However, for me, bailing out the banks was not the right thing to do because it ultimately favoured private creditors rather than the average taxpayer.”

“Whilst studying politics, I have encountered many issues that interest me, including the possibility that ideology is a defunct theory. I would tend to agree with this, as in our individualistic society, it is impossible for one political party's ideology to cater for the needs of the majority, as everyone has their own specific opinions, beliefs and personal/local issues they want represented. This is exemplified in Nietzsche's idea that people have a 'will' to seek to impose their personal views onto society.”

“However, I also wonder whether there is always one ‘right’ philosophical approach to an issue or whether there are in fact multiple yet equally valid ‘right’ ways. I am convinced by Kant’s categorical imperative as a strong foundation for moral actions but I also think it is rather impractical and wonder whether J.S. Mill’s ‘harm principle’ would be a more practical standard of morality.”




“My passion towards Law motivated me to author an essay on International Law in reference to the Article 13, United Nations Charter, which propagates reformist International law and its codification. Deep interest in drafting resolutions led me to participate in Model United Nations where debates helped me to reason tactically and complemented my ideological rational stance; hence I won several best speaker awards at national level and successively tutored a junior MUN team.”

“For the past three summers I have worked for two major Austrian banks, Raiffeisen Bank International and Erste Group. Engaged in various fields of finance, I have been introduced to several macroeconomic indicators which helped me co-write an analysis of three sovereign economies. In three years of personal equity investing I have also developed the ability   to analyse a company’s financial statements and sundry industry reports, which gave me an insight into how Warren Buffett exploits the difference between a company’s current equity price and its true value. These experiences have been thrilling and enriching for me, and ones which I sincerely hope to continue after my studies.”



正如我们的中文写作一样,文章不厌百回改,反复推敲佳句来。对于招生官来说, 我们的个人陈述是可以突出我们个性的申请材料,因此,如果希望申请到名校,一定要认真对待,完成之后要反复校对、修改,直到自己满意为止。



